Prompt For IECs

Essay Management Software and On-demand Essay Coaching for Growth-oriented IECs

Brad here, Prompt's Founder and CEO. I'm here to welcome you to Prompt for 2024!

I believe Prompt is an essential tool for growth-oriented IECs. Prompt's Essay Management Software and On-demand Essay Coaching enable you to take on more students by saving you hours per student in the busiest months of the year - including October.

I invite you to make 2024 the year you solve essays in your practice - for good. Take on those extra students that come to you over the summer (and in Sept/Oct!). Make an extra $30-100k without the stress (or keep the same student load with less stress!). And perhaps you'll even get up the courage to book that mid-October vacation

You can use Prompt in two ways:

  1. Management Software. Save hours of administrative time per student. Used by over 400 IEC organizations.

  2. Review Plans. Increase your essay review capacity with Prompt’s Writing Coaches. Used by nearly 200 IEC organizations.

Getting started is simple and risk-free. Just select an option below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Make sure to act by Thursday, June 20th, to access special 2024 discounts!

My team and I look forward to working with you to grow your practice!

Brad, Founder & CEO